Therapeutic Fibbing Season 1

A groundbreaking dramady web series that has notched 1.4 million views.

Step into the heartwarming world of “Therapeutic Fibbing,” a groundbreaking scripted dramedy series that follows the Macauley Family of Vancouver as they navigate the challenges of coping with their matriarch’s dementia diagnosis. Created by Jessica Fraser, Katrina Prescott, and Pat Holden, and produced by Equal Films, this series will make you laugh, cry, and everything in between.

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Episode 1: 'Bundle Up'

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Episode 2: 'Neighbour'

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Episode 3: 'Cruise'

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Episode 4: 'Home'


"A touching and relatable portrayal of family dynamics in the face of dementia."
Alzheimer's Association
Supported by The Telus Fund
Part of the ‘Stories for Caregivers’ strand
"A refreshing take on dementia caregiving that offers hope and laughter amidst the challenges."